Five Things: Newsletter #2

December 2023

This is a copy of the second Regenerative Futures Fund Newsletter circulated via EVOC. The newsletter can also be accessed here.

Welcome to the second Regenerative Futures Fund newsletter.

We take a test and learn approach to developing the fund, trying to work in the open, sharing learning as we go. We are now almost 14 months into the development phase and this is a selection of what we have been making and learning since the last newsletter.

We hope you enjoy.


1. Why We're Involved...
Conversations with people who have been involved in co-designing the Regenerative Futures Fund over the past year about why they got involved, have stayed involved and what they are learning. Next up are Carmen Simon and Linda Craik from the End Poverty Edinburgh Members Group. Watch the video (

2. Fund Overview
A recent version of a summary of the fund to date. This will continue to evolve and more will be shared in due course. This is a result of many collective conversations within and across our three learning groups over the past year. 

3. Building On The Work Of Many Others 
What we are doing in Edinburgh builds on the work of many others before. Here is a summary of who we’ve spoken to, learnt from and been inspired by. 


4. Future Generations Commissioner for Scotland 
In December a consultation on new laws designed to protect the interests of future generations was launched by the Scottish Government, including a call from Carnegie UK and others for a Future Generations Commissioner for Scotland. Read more from Sarah Davidson here.

5. Multi-solving
Interesting article about ‘multi-solving’ the premise of which is around using one investment of time or effort to steer toward several goals at once - ‘in our fragmented world, crossing borders doesn’t only make systems more whole, it helps them become more just, healthier, and sustainable too’ 
Read the article


Operational Plan - Summary Version


Conversation #2: Carmen and Linda from End Poverty Edinburgh