The residents group

We are bringing together people who live in Edinburgh to decide who gets funded for 10 years!

Group members will

  • have lived or be living in poverty and/or have experienced racism

  • have lived in Edinburgh for at least the past year and plan to stay here

We’ll ask you to

  • Join 2 - 4 meetings a month (April - June)

  • Then join 1 - 2 meetings a month after June

  • Work, learn and share with others

  • Bring your imagination and hopes to make Edinburgh a happy, healthy home for everyone

We will

  • Pay for your time, at a rate above the Living Wage (more than £15 per hour). You can read more about payments here.

  • Pay for things that can make your life better (for you or your career)

  • Work around you, offering translation, costs of childcare, travel and other things that make it easy for you to join

What’s next?

Due to a lot of interest in being part of the group we set a deadline to get in touch so that we could begin choosing our group.

This was Wednesday, March 19th.

There will, however, be more opportunities to participate, so please continue to get in touch if you would like to be involved in some way.

You can use this form to send us some contact details and answer a few questions

If you have any questions or would like to talk to us, We’re Aala (she/her) and Andy (he/him) and we would love to chat!

You can email us:

or call/Text/WhatsApp us: 07907 727132

How we collaborate with residents

During the 10-year programme (2025 - 2035)

Residents will be involved in decision-making at the start of the programme. We also plan for residents to be involved long-term who will be there to learn, challenge and hold organisations and groups accountable.

This programme will be designed together with the residents decision-making panel. Any residents who stay involved long-term will be financially compensated for their time in whatever way is most appropriate for them. They will be supported by Regenerative Futures Fund team throughout this process.

During the development phase (2022 - 2024)

Since September 2022 the fund has been co-designed by a group of individual people.

The group we have worked with are from an existing group called End Poverty Edinburgh which includes people with a diverse range of experiences including people with lived experience of living in poverty and citizens who care about poverty across the city. The group has around 12 members who share a common goal that in order to make change, citizens must be involved and listened to from the outset.

Read more about the End Poverty Edinburgh members group here and in the Learning Report on the co-design of the fund.